These are pictures and a video from last week where I went to a local Best Buy and was trying out the camera I want to use in 'Going Up North'.
The whole movie's timing rest solely on getting this camera. I can't afford to rent it nor buy it. A brother who promised to get it changed his mind.
Now I have to resort to begging. I have emailed several key people I know and talked in person to a few more. I am making du`a that I can get this camera within a few days because I do not want to delay this project any further. It's been delay too many times and enough is enough.
So if anyone of you guys can help, please do so. I hate to have to resort to begging, but I am. That's how things go in life...

not to offend but how did yo plan this movie without coming up with a small budget to fund it. even the smallest of projects require some funding for the basic essentials but to resort to begging...i'm not sure what Islam says about begging or if its the way we Muslims should be doing things.
i also read that you are the director, the main character, etc.. in this movie so if you are going to be calling the shots, you should also be thinking about how you are going to pay for some of the basic stuff.
i thought it was kinda cool when i read you had finally got your film date next weekend on your blog but when i read this post that the camera was dependent on another brother who had the option to flake, that lost my confidence in this project. i mean its hard for others to believe in something unless the person in control looks like he has control. again, i'm not here to offend but to give brotherly advice. i think if you want the brothers there to really sacrafice for your project, then you should build their trust and sell them on the project. otherwise, you are going to get a bunch of bros who are going to be there when things and good and flake when things get tough. what stops a brother from flaking half way through the film is when he doesn't feel like doing it anymore or something more important comes up? yeah, to you this project is important and it is because you're calling the shots, your the star and main character, the man behind the script, and everyone else is just helping.
what i'm trying to say is if you want others to be down with you and help, and not flake then you should give them some incentive. otherwise, you can expect them to stand in line to be the helpers of YOUR project. maybe the bro who rents the camera for you can be a co-director or something. just something to think about.
Assalammu' Alayakum,
As a Director myself, I suggest you get a contract signed by those who offer to help you so this doesn't happen in the future. Also, like the first post, you should have some type of budget. The pictures show that you are a well dressed brother so I assume you are doing well for yourself. Why not get camera yourself?
As an example, show the others that you're willing to financially contribute as well so the burden isn't put on just your volunteer's shoulders. Once your volunteers see that you are ready to pay out of your own pocket, then maybe they will be willing to help you too otherwise its really a hard sell expecting others to fund your movie if your not willing to contribute.
I hope that helps!
As salaamu alaikum "Anonymous",
Thanks for the advice. I must say that I did spend money on the project. I bought equipment and other things for the movie out of my own pocket. The biggest expense happens to be the camera which I cannot afford at the time. If I were able to afford it, I wouldn't be begging for help.
So I have always been willing to put down money for the movie. I have and the only thing I cannot afford now is the camera. Just a reminder, just in case you forgot...
i'm not sure if its a good thing to "beg". i think there is a Hadith regarding this but i'm not sure.
some things aren't meant to be. maybe you try to explore other ideas.
as-salaamu 'alaikum,
Check your niyaah.
Don't take this the wrong, but perhaps these troubles are because you are doing this project to glorify YOURSELF, instead of promoting Islaam.
I would like to congratulate brother mahdi for being so hard working to do da'wah for the sake of ALLAH.
I appreciate your efforts when you have to spend money from your own pocket for the sake of Islam. This is really a big project and you have spend own your money towards Islam. One actions should be taken as good example , especially to those who always give comments but have no efforts to do da'wah!!
Not much people have ideas in mind to promotes Islam and to use their own money for Allah's sake without profit.
By the way, there are always obstacles in doing da'wah and keep on the track if your intention is really for Islam. Allah with those who always be patience.
(Innallaha ma'sobirin)
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