As salaamu alaikum,
To make it clearer for any potential actors how I want the movie to be, I am posting the plot summary. Although I've written the script for this movie, the plot summary will give people a better understanding of the scenes so they can really improve on their improvisation and ad-libbing. The script will merely serve as a reference more so than a guide. The lines and descriptions will be more explicit in the script, but the summary gives more freedom to the actor to be creative. The plot summary will be the main source of inspiration in other words.
Now let's get to it. Below is the plot summary:
Ahmad, Eric and Muhammad are in a middle of a debate. They are waiting in front of the apartment (which is Muhammad's and they are waiting for his roommates to open the door because Muhammad forgot his keys) and already knocked a few times. Muhammad is holding the camera (which he will do throughout the movie) and Ahmad is talking to Eric and Muhammad about the issue of using the term "African American" to describe blacks. Ahmad is against the usage, Eric is somewhat for it, Muhammad is somewhat neutral but tries to help Eric a little.
The three enter the apartment and the rest of the brothers are hanging, talking about the upcoming road trip to a Islamic conference.
The next morning, Muhammad and Ahmad are getting to leave to go to another apartment (Eric's and Fareed's) and they talk about picking up snacks for the trip. Then the issue of a very "liberal" Muslim brother who owns a liquor store is brought up. This liberal Muslim once talked to Ahmad about how converts aren't real Muslims. Muhammad, although being so-called "neutral" on many issues and "liberal" on others, tries to defend the "liberal Muslims" while Ahmad is trying to criticize them harshly. Then the issue of dispelling the wrong notions of "liberal, conservative, fundamentalist, moderate, modern, etc.", is brought up by Ahmad and Muhammad tries to give the viewpoint of the side that calls themselves or others these labels, but generally (but not completely) agrees with Ahmad on this issue.
Ahmad and Muhammad are at Eric's and Fareed's apartment to pick them up. They talk about "Muslim time" for a brief moment and Eric asks Muhammad for his daily advice for the day.
Everyone is back at Muhammad's apartment. Ahmad talks about how it's more important to have understanding than knowledge after Eric expressed a desire in getting more knowledge on Islam. Then someone brings up about how a guy at Eric's job is debating him about Islam and Muhammad and then Ahmad goes off and tries to defend Islam and Muslims, to help Eric (and others) if they were to ever encounter such people again. Of course Eric agrees with Ahmad, but Eric and Muhammad try to play "devil's advocate" while Ahmad and Fareed are not. Eric mentions how he bases his emotions on beliefs (and not vice versa) ever since he became Muslim.
We see all the brothers getting ready to pray. Muhammad turns off the camera and then resumes filming after the brothers were done praying. The brothers now talk about getting married. First they talk about the bad things like racism amonst Muslims. Everyone is opposed to the racism of course, but once again, Muhammad tries to play devil's advocate for the sake of trying to be fair to both sides of this issue. Then the brothers talk about virtues of being married, how it's hard to resist temptations of these "fine women" out here, esp. these "college girls".
To end on a more positive note, Ahmad poses a question to everyone on how to end these debates with resolution and positive support. He mentions how we are all human and humans are perfect. How Allah is all forgiving and how we must work hard to ask Him forgiveness. How we can unite with non Muslims and be more of a positive influence in our society. The brothers discuss these things so the labels they place on each other and the debates they had do not matter anymore, it's about the positive aspects of being Muslim and practicing Islam.

Friday, August 3, 2007
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As salaam alaikum Mahdi,
It looks pretty good! It is different from the script I read awhile back. It is kind of funny how things evolve with time.
May Allah'tala make your project a success... Ameen!
As salaamu alaikum akhi!
Thanks for the comment. I just hope it works better than I expect. Insha Allah this movie will be know for its memorable lines as well as everything else.
why do all the women in the film or any of your films have to be in hijab. Hijab is not is about dressing modestly...hijab is a cultural thing- if it wasnt then why is there such a difference in head covering in countries from pakistan to the middle east. do you think a woman is a bad muslim if she isnt in hijab?
the hijab isnt a cultural thing confused one its a manditory thing. in your script do you mean humans ARENT perfect instead of are maybe you should fix that.
Hijab is not just clothing, hijab is all about modesty, inwardly and outwardly.
Not showing it outwardly won't make you a bad Muslim, but it doesn't make you a very good one neither.
Besides, men aren't supposed to be looking at hijab-less women's 'awrah. UF is trying to be halal. You dig, anon?
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