As salaamu `alaikum,
With one scene left, I want to show you all a sneak peak of the script. In this scene, the characters discuss the issue of marriage and racism:
Eric, you know about my cousin right?
You mean Bilal, right?
Yeah Bilal. You know he’s trying to get married right?
I heard he ain’t getting any luck in that department.
You know why right?
Let me guess, racism amongst the Muslims.
Fareeda shakes her head.
What a shame, subhanallah.
You ever read Muslim marriage ads? Deen is often secondary to education and ethnicity. Paki this, Arab that, degree in this and maybe “religion” might be included in there.
Prophet Muhammad (saaws) said people marry for reasons like deen, wealth, status and beauty and the best is deen. I guess many Muslims seem to forget this Hadith.
I bet he’s heard every excuse from parents who don’t want him to marry their daughters.
Oh yeah, like he has a Masters in computer science, they tell him they want someone who has a Masters in something else like Engineering. Or even better, they say that he is too religious or on the other end they say he doesn’t know Islam well enough because he wasn’t raised in a Muslim country.
Doesn’t he like speak Arabic fluently after spending some time in Egypt?
It doesn’t matter. They will come up with some excuse like his Arabic is not good enough because he has an American accent or something and therefore, he can’t marry their daughter.
I’ve see Muslim parents go as far as say that you have to be from not only the same country, but the same city and even the same village. In other words, you end up marrying your cousin.
Don’t forget about forcing girls to marry without their consent, completing going against the teachings of Islam.
(shaking her head)
It’s a shame that Muslims are willing to put the traditions before Islam. Submission to desires instead to Allah.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
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there is NO such thing as luck, as Allah is in FULL control, not luck.
The expression used did not say that "luck" existed. Of course, there is no such thing as luck. The expression used was merely something pointing out to the fact that the person in question has not been fortunate to find a spouse, so the word "luck" was used as merely an expression.
Asalam alaikum,
Alhmdulilah ahki, you basically covered some of the issues that should be addressed. I noticed you changed the characters from the original script! Inshallah when Muslims look at this short film, it will create some sort of feedback, comments and most importantly discussion. Then after that comes the responsibility of the Dawah. Inshallah Muslims should reflect on this. Wa salam aliakum
Very nice masha'allah. Great subject that definitely NEEDS to be addressed. Allahu akbar!
We're having a movie night at one of our community masjids this Saturday, and we had a REALLY hard time picking a good movie that would appeal to our audience and keep them awake! (Girls night this Saturday; boys night the following Saturday)
Sure there's Lion of the Desert and The Message which are great masha'allah...but these days in order to get the youth involved you have to get them INTERESTED, and some of them aren't mature enough for sophisticated movies such as these.
So yes, these movies are WELL needed. Insha'allah khaaaaair!!!
Asalaamu Alaikum
I'm not sure if I'm getting all of this but this movie is supposed to be about a bunch of muslims on a road trip? Why would brothers and sisters be in a situation where they were in the same car?...if this scene is supposed to be in the car. And isn't it much more preferred that sisters not be in the public eye like this, unless it was for an absolutely necessary reason? Just wanted to ask and remind you about that before filming and everything started and was finalized, insha'Allah. And I also wanted to remind you that you are doing this for the sake of Allah (Subhana wata 'ala) therefore, if you read this, and want to address my question, remember not to take it personally, be objective and do the research...not trying to look for what is easier to do but for what is right and held as an opinion of the majority of the scholars. Masha'Allah, Ummah films is doing a great job on getting messages across and taking feedback and I want to see it succeed, after seeing so many other things start off good and end up corrupted and unislamic. Jazakullah khair! ma asalaama,
~muslimah from Boston
Blizzard warnings were issued to go to parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with off the wind fart hear of gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
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The country's largest burg Minneapolis was directed a blanket of bloodless 17 inches (43 cm) deep, the worst snowfall to clout the city in more than 19 years and the fifth-biggest on record.
As an indicator of the storm's mercilessness, Minneapolis-St. Paul Global Airport -- a travel hub with adroitness in contending with foetid seedy -- was keep quiet down for the purpose the first point in years.
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