Wednesday, February 7, 2007


As salaamu `alaikum,

I've finished writing the first draft of the script. I am sending the copy to Sister Kayla and perhaps others for their review and feedback.

Once the editing of the script is finished insha Allah, I will do the storyboarding. With that, we can visualize how the movie is going to be shot.

My style will be unorthodox. I will allow a lot of ad-libbing and how I will shoot will be interesting: it will be most first-person POVs throughout the movie. I am trying to personalize the experience even more so with this type of filming and I believe it will work out insha Allah.


Yusuf Chowdhury said...

Asalam alaikum ahki,

I got the script. Inshallah I'll go through it. Wa salam alaikum

Akiroq said...

Assalamu alaikum,

With patience and determination it is sure to all work out. Insha allah. Keep up the great work!

Allah hafiz.

